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Summer Holidays Franchise Webinar

The Outdoors Project Franchise Webinar

If you have ever thought what it would be like to be your own boss and do something you love, then please join us for The Outdoors Project Summer Webinar. Discover the amazing opportunities our franchise offers. Whether you're an outdoor enthusiast or a business-minded individual, this webinar is for you. Hosted by our Head of Franchise Growth, Ben Speed, you'll hear from both one of our most established franchisee Connor McNally, Lewes and Mid Sussex - Outdoors Project and one of our newest recruits, who is about to launch his clubs this Summer, Jonny Midgley - Cambridge & Royston. Register now and take the first step towards a rewarding adventure!

Connor McNally, Lewes & Mid Sussex Franchisee

Connor launched his business in January 2023. He took over an existing franchise where the previous franchisee had already built a loyal customer base. From this Connor has taken the business to the next level, with a range of new After School Clubs, developing the original Lewes Holiday Club venue and then in Easter launching his second Holiday Club in Haywards Heath.

Connor says about his clubs:

I really want to encourage young people to explore and discover through the outdoors, helping them to realise their potential and see the world in a positive and exciting light.

The success Connor has achieved has shown how you can take a business to the next level through nurturing a successful team of instructors, building relationships schools and creating an amazing experience for kids and families.

Jonny Midgley, Cambridge & Royston Franchisee

Jonny is our newest franchisees, who signed his contract in March this year. He identified a gap in the market in his local town of Royston, where according to Jonny, there was strong demand from parents for a new type of childcare - particularly one not based on traditional sports. Although Jonny has enjoyed coaching football and doing activities with his own two children, he did not have experience running kids clubs. This lead him to consider a franchise option as the most effective means to build his business.

Jonny attended one of these very same Webinars in January of this year, then attended clubs at our February Discovery Day in Brighton. Fast forward to this Summer and Jonny has already sold £3,000 worth of Holiday Clubs, with 4 weeks out from the start of his first clubs. He wasn't wrong about the strong demand!

The Outdoors Project Webinar - Wedbesday 17th  of July at 6pm