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The Outdoors Project Franchise - You Are Not Alone

With Rob in West Sussex into the second week of his 5 week Easter Holiday Club schedule and Lucy (Lincoln), Anthea (East Sussex), and Amy (our brand new Havering Franchisee) kicking off their Easter club offerings today we are hugely excited about the children activity franchise family we are building.

One of the main benefits of joining a franchise family is that you are not alone!

As a well-established children’s outdoor activity provider, we have eliminated many of the ‘unknowns’ and as a franchisee you will run your own business but also be supported every step of the way by an experienced and dedicated team.    

We work with you to put a launch plan in place to suit your timeline and provide you with comprehensive training and ongoing guidance, this February we held our first The Outdoors Project POW - WOW.

What was the 2022 Pow-Wow?
For the first time we welcomed all of our franchises to Brighton for a training two day residential at our Parkwood Scout Campsite.  The aim was to create a great environment for learning, business planning and to give the franchisees the opportunity  to know each other and share their experiences.
What did we do?
The two day schedule involved running through the activities we have planned for 2022. talking through all Club policies and procedures.  We invited guest speaker Mark Rasche, who has years of experience in the industry, to give a hugely informative talk on the business side of running a Children's Activities franchise.  We ran through our newly updated website and bookings system, talked through sales & marketing plans and tools for the year and even had an educational presentation give on the science of sleep!
What was the highlight?
Getting everyone under one roof in scout camp bunks for the night!
What was the feedback from the franchises?
Considering it was the first time we had done anything like this the feedback was fantastic from all who attended. Everyone was hugely positive about spending some structured time with each other, taking some time out of the day to day to work on the bigger picture business plans and to share experiences. Our franchisees are now feeling well prepared and excited about 2022 and all the fun they are going to have! We're already planning the next POW-WOW.

Read Full 2022 Franchise Pow-Wow Review here

Hear from Amy, Havering Franchise:

"I’m so glad I found The Outdoors Project! I was signed up to the ‘Did Teach’ emails and saw an ODP advertisement in August 2021. It was the only thing that had appealed to me since I had decided to step out of teaching. I’d never considered taking on a franchise before but thought The Outdoors Project looked perfect. I’d soon set up a date with Sam to attend a Discovery Day at the Brighton HQ and it all went from there!" (March '22)