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The 2023 Annual World Super Stick Championship winners have been revealed!!

We have news..... The 2023 Annual World Super Stick Championship winners have been revealed!!

We just couldn't decide on 1 winner, so 2 fantaSTICK winners have been chosen this year:

1) Loved by all of the Elite Stick Judging Panel here, we have an entry into the "Most Awesome" stick category. A brilliant, creative entry, clearly made with incredible effort, & accompanied by it's own acroSTICK poem "describing it's awesomeness": self-proclaimed 'King Of The Sticks'!

We loved all the little artistic touches, & the creative storytelling behind the stick too, which was whittled by himself. An excellent stick too, of course. Great work 


And sharing joint-first place....

2) Another entry for the category of "Most Awesome", our dinosaur-creating boomerang stick superstar, aged 6 & three quarters

Why? "This awesome stick serves as a boomerang, can be used as a bow for archery (bow & arrow) & it looks like a dinosaur - I stuck a googly eye on it!" 

Location found: "Outdoors Project at Aardagh in Bristol, Summer 2022 - I kept it all this while as it’s so special".

The fact it's been kept since last year's Outdoors Project is fantastic commitment to The Stick & all its glory. Excellent morals there. Very creative entry & some imaginative, practical uses discovered too - an important aspect of life & of stick. The creator is a true Outdoors Project ambassador.

Well done to everyone who has entered. Some WILD imaginations out there. Keep it going kids!
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