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Gone Fishing!

Summer holidays flew by!...  Lovely to see so many smiley faces & receive such amazing feedback over the past 7 weeks of summer holiday clubs. We're so glad you're enjoying what we do!

Key stats:
Steps taken: 162 million
Breaths of fresh air: 141 million
Hours outside: 75,000
Screen hours avoided: 50,000
Potions brewed: 2,700
Harry Potter wands made: 1,360
Dens built: 450
Dinosaurs defeated: 1

(Data taken from 18 Outdoors Project holiday club sites across the UK. Accuracy of data is not 100% guaranteed, it might have been more than 1 dinosaur defeated!)

OUR TURN FOR A HOLIDAY! - The HQ office is now shut (Sevenoaks club are still running, & some locations will be checking emails - please email them directly if needed). We'll return on Tuesday 5th September. The team are taking a much needed week of R&R before we return for back to school training & club prep

NEXT UP: Autumn Term After School Clubs, October 1/2 Term Holiday Clubs, & dare we say it Christmas Holiday Clubs are now on sale (in some locations).

LOOKING FOR SOMETHING TO DO? Have a go at designing our next patch for our 2023 Patch Design Competition! - full details in a previous post

Enjoy your final week of holidays, & good luck with the shoe shopping & to everyone starting their new year at school!

Adventure on,