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Empty Classroom Day - what are you doing?

Its Empty Classroom Day on Friday 17th June 2016 - what are you doing with your children/class? 

Did you know 74% of UK children spend less time outdoors than the 60 minutes recommended for prison inmates?

Empty Classroom Day is a global campaign to pledge ONE DAY to celebrate and inspire learning and play outside the classroom.

Join schools from across the world in taking at least one class outdoors, and then see if you can get the rest of your year group outside or maybe your whole school? This year ECD are focussing on playtime too, it’s just as important as the rest of the school day!

Here at The Outdoors Project we will be working with two different nurseries on Empty Classroom Day, running Forest School sessions and we have After School Clubs at 7 different schools who will all be outside.

Its not too late to plan your own Empty Classroom activities, there are loads of ideas and resources on the website here // and don't forget to post your photos and activities on our Facebook page here so we know what you've been up to.

We look forward to seeing you outside!!