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A week in the life of an Outdoors Project Session Leader!

Hayden, one of our session leaders gives a little snippet in the week in the life!

Another busy week has passed and I’d like to tell you about it!

I kicked off the week with a bubbles session at Aldrington C of E After School Club session on Monday. I couldn’t have wished for better weather - the sun was shining and there was hardly any wind! We made bubble wands out of twine and paper straws. Such a simple diesng but incredibly effective and fun. The children were impressed with their new creations and ran around chasing bubbles trying to pop the biggest and best.



For the Saplings parent and toddler session on Wednesday we made "disgusting sandwiches" following a story we've been reading about a badger and his sarnies! We gathered ingredients for our sandwiches like feathers, horse chestnut leaves, fallen petals and even made our own ‘chocolate jam’ by mixing mud and water. The sandwiches were (almost) good enough to eat!!

On Thursday Balfour KS1 visited our Base Camp at The Macs Farm for a survival workshop. The groups have been hilarious and I’ve particularly enjoyed watching them as they pile off their coach with their school vests hanging off them, bags in hand with gleaming faces ready for mischief. The rain couldn’t dampen our spirits as we made dens to cover us but the kids didn’t stay dry for too long when the water pistol came out!

That takes me to Friday. I’m in the office and I’ve been hard at work preparing the kits for Wild Things our Junior Club for 8 - 13 year olds as where we will be making camp fires and pancakes! Along with a couple of NERF & Fire lighting birthday parties I am running over the weekend.

Im look forward to a much needed day off on Sunday. I won’t be resting much,  I’m taking a hike to Ditchling Beacon.  Let’s hope the weathers nice as I don’t fancy a picnic in the rain...

Looking forward to what next week brings - Adventure on!